Your insight. Your action.

Executive Coaching

As you climb higher the air gets thinner. Most other hikers stayed at basecamp, a few have joined your team. You are pressing on. Conditions may be harsh, but the views are amazing. Your horizon keeps expanding. Exhileration sets in. You are going to make it to the top. You keep walking, carrying the responsibility for yourself and those behind you. The risks increase; one step in the wrong direction can have serious consequences. Conquering mountains is thrilling. But summits can also be isolating places with not a whole lot of people around to discuss difficulties with, share doubts or get honest feedback from.

Executive coaching provides a confidential space where you can think through and talk about whatever challenges you may face. Not with someone who is part of your personal or professional life, but with someone who can afford to take a neutral, professional and supportive stance at the same time.

Coaching sessions are confidential and take place at a mutually agreed frequency. They can be attended in person or remotely (phone/skype) and last 50 minutes. The agenda is set exclusively by you.

Topics that frequenly come up in executive coaching are:

  •  leading in a time of crisis
  •  effective communication
  •  getting clarity on your role in the organisation
  •  changing your style of leadership
  •  navigating team dynamics
  •  dealing with ‘difficult’ people
  •  performance and career progression
  •  change management
  •  work-life balance
  •  motivation
  •  getting honest, unbiased feedback on how you come across as a leader

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  • social scientist, executive coach, trainer
    Corinna Arndt
    Corinna specialises in people and organisations, especially organisational culture and processes of change. She has a long track record of studying organisations in depth using ethnographic and other qualitative research methods. Her additional post-graduate training in counselling, coaching and psychoanalysis allow her to weigh in on the psychological aspects that are fundamental to peoples' decision-making and group dynamics.